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HubSpot integration

Add participants from your Viral Loops campaign to HubSpot CRM

Fivos Stergiannis avatar
Written by Fivos Stergiannis
Updated over 9 months ago

If you wish to integrate your HubSpot CRM account with your Viral Loops campaign, simply follow these steps:

  • Go to the 'Integrations' step in your campaign's wizard.

  • Find the HubSpot CRM integration and enable it.

Click on Edit and then Connect. Viral Loops will redirect you to your HubSpot account so as to complete the integration. Once the integration is completed, you'll see the "Success" message below:

Click Save and you'll see the integration enabled inside the campaign wizard.

Finally, make sure you click Next and then Finish, so your changes are saved for the campaign.

You can also verify that the integration was successful inside your HubSpot account, under Settings > Integrations > Apps.

And that's it!

All the new participants (participant's email address, first name, last name, referral code, total referrals and share URL) from your campaign will be automatically added to your HubSpot account so you can further segment them afterward!

In case a contact already exists with the participant’s email address, then no duplicate contact is created.

Please note, that the integration will only affect new participants, not those existing before the integration's activation.

Sending campaign emails via HubSpot

If you want, you can also use HubSpot to send out campaign emails. However, the integration's purpose is solely to add campaign leads to your HubSpot account. 

So, if you don't want to use our email notifications, you can just disable them by editing the campaign in Viral Loops. Once you do that, you can start building a campaign in HubSpot and schedule emails to participants.

Importing contacts to a campaign from Hubspot 

Our integration with HubSpot works both ways so if you want to add contacts to a campaign from a list in HubSpot , check out the instructions here

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