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Zapier integration

Learn how you can connect your Viral Loops campaign with 1000+ applications using zaps

Fivos Stergiannis avatar
Written by Fivos Stergiannis
Updated over 5 years ago

Using our official Viral Loops® Zapier app you can connect Viral Loops to hundreds of other apps and create automations. 

The Viral Loops app for Zapier allows a two-way integration with Viral Loops meaning:

  • You can capture events that happen in your campaign and use them to trigger events in other apps or,

  • Get a new lead’s data from one app (eg. Typeform) and submit them to create a new participant in your Viral Loops campaign. 

Important notice:

If you want to create a Zap for a campaign created with the Viral Loops Shopify template, please contact us at to provide you with your campaign API token.


The Triggers are events that happen in the Viral Loops campaign. The following triggers are available:

  • New Participant

  • Milestone Reached

  • New Referral Count

  • Reward Redeemed

  • New conversion

  • New conversion count

The New Participant and New Referral Count Triggers are available for all templates.

The Milestone Reached Trigger is available only for the Milestone Referral and Viral Loops for Shopify.

The Reward Redeemed Trigger is available for: Milestone Referral, Refer a Friend, Viral Loops for Shopify, Online to Offline.

The New conversion and New conversion count apply to both the Milestone Referral and the Altruistic Referral templates which support the tracking of conversions versus signups.

What each trigger can do

New participant

This triggers when a participant joins the campaign. In this way Viral Loops can send to Zapier the details of the new participant. Also, included in the Trigger are the details of their referrer, if the participant had been referred.

The following details are sent for the Participant:

  • Participant First name

  • Participant Last name

  • Participant Email

  • Participant Referral Code

  • Participant Sharing URL

  • Participant Creation Date (when they joined the campaign)

  • Participant Referral Count (their number of referrals)

And likewise for the referrer (if there was one):

  • Referrer First Name

  • Referrer Last Name

  • Referrer Email

  • Referrer Referral Code

  • Referrer Sharing URL

  • Referrer Creation Date

  • Referrer Referral Count

Note that the first and last names are optional in all Viral Loops campaigns so they might not always be available.

Milestone Reached

This triggers when a Participant reaches a Milestone. Milestones are available only on Milestone Referral and Viral Loops for Shopify campaigns so this Trigger only fires for campaigns created with these two templates. 

Viral Loops submits to Zapier the details of the Participant that reached the Milestone and the details of the Milestone that was reached.

The following details are sent:

  • Participant First name

  • Participant Last name

  • Participant Email

  • Participant Referral Code

  • Participant Sharing URL

  • Participant Creation Date (when they joined the campaign)

  • Participant Referral Count (their number of referrals)

And for the Milestone:

  • Referrals needed (to reach the Milestone)

  • Date reached (the time and date when the Milestone was reached)

  • Rewards. This is an array containing all the Rewards the participant wins for reaching this Milestone. For each Reward, the following properties are sent:

  • Item name: the name of the Reward, eg. “Mismatching Socks”

  • Type: the type of the Reward. Manual (that the campaign owner will have to deliver to the Participant) or Coupon (delivered automatically as coupon code)

Like before, the first and last names are optional in all Viral Loops campaigns so they might not always be available.

New Referral Count

This triggers when a Participant has a new referral and their total Referral Count changes. For example, if they had referred 5 friends and then one more joined and they got to 6 referrals.

This could be useful, if, for example, you wanted to keep a spreadsheet with the Referral Counts of all their Participants. Or if you wanted to create an automation so that when Participant reaches X referrals, they would get an email (like what the Milestone Referral does but without using the notifications of the template, for whatever reason).

The following details are sent:

  • Participant First name

  • Participant Last name

  • Participant Email

  • Participant Referral Code

  • Participant Sharing URL

  • Participant Creation Date

  • Participant Referral Count

Reward Redeemed

This triggers when a Pending Reward is redeemed from the Campaign Dashboard or the relevant API call. 

The Pending Rewards in the Campaign Dashboard shows what Participants have won for referring others. By using the Reward Redeemed Trigger, you can review Pending Rewards from your Viral Loops Campaign Dashboard and then trigger an automation to handle your reward, using Zapier to connect to another platform.

For example, you could use the Tango Card integration to send gift cards as rewards to your Participants that referred others.

The following details are sent:

  • Participant First name

  • Participant Last name

  • Participant Email

  • Participant Referral Code

  • Participant Sharing URL

  • Participant Creation Date

  • Participant Referral Count

For the Reward:

  • Item name (eg. “T-Shirt”)

  • Redeemed date/time

  • Reward ID (the unique ID of this Reward)

New conversion

This triggers when a participant converts successfully. That means that if there is no referrer or the participant has already been converted, the trigger won’t run. 

The following details are sent for the Participant who converts:

  • Participant First name

  • Participant Last name

  • Participant Email

  • Participant Referral Code

  • Participant Sharing URL

  • Participant Creation Date (when they joined the campaign)

  • Participant Referral Count (their number of referrals)

  • Participant Conversion Count (the participant might have already friend who converted)

And likewise for their referrer:

  • Referrer First Name

  • Referrer Last Name

  • Referrer Email

  • Referrer Referral Code

  • Referrer Sharing URL

  • Referrer Creation Date

  • Referrer Conversion Count

  • Referrer Referral Count

New conversion count

This triggers when a Participant has a new referral and their total Referral Count changes. For example, if they had referred 5 friends and then one more joined, and they got to 6 referrals.

The following details are sent:

  • Participant First name

  • Participant Last name

  • Participant Email

  • Participant Referral Code

  • Participant Sharing URL

  • Participant Creation Date

  • Participant Conversion Count

  • Participant Referral Count

📌 Please note that if you're using the Tempting / Leaderboard Giveaway or Startup Pre-Launch templates, custom field details will not be sent through your zap.


Actions are, well, actions that can be performed in Viral Loops after a trigger from another app has been fired. There is only one action available at the moment for Viral Loops campaigns and that is “New Participant”.

New Participant

This creates a new Participant in the Viral Loops campaign, using the data provided by the previous steps in the Zap. For example, a Typeform submission that captures first name and email could be submitted to create a new participant in the Viral Loops campaign.

The Action accepts the following fields:

  • First name of the new participant

  • Last name of the new participant

  • Email of the new participant

  • Referral code of their referrer. Careful with this one, this is the referral code of the referrer that referred the new participant.

Only the email field is required for the Action - all the rest are optional.

Convert Participant

This action converts a Participant of a Viral Loops campaign by using the email from a previous step of the Zap. This action will get an error if the email is not associated with any participant of campaign. Also, it will do nothing if it is trying to convert someone who doesn't have a referrer.

The Conversion action is supported only by the Milestone and Altruistic Referral templates.

Only the email field is required for the Action - all the rest are optional.

How to create a zap!

First, you need to edit your campaign, go to the Integrations step and activate the Zapier integration. Then, you need to go to the Installation step and copy the Secret API token of the campaign - you're going to need it for the zap.

Here's a short tutorial on how to fire an email notification every time a new participant joins your campaign! 👇👇👇

How will you use Zapier with Viral Loops? Have you thought about any useful Zaps that you could share with us? Tell us about it and we’ll post it on our Twitter account ;-)

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