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Viral Loop's Dashboard "Breakdown"
Viral Loop's Dashboard "Breakdown"

The Viral Loops dashboard is typically the central place where users manage their campaigns, track performance, and analyze data.

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Written by Thanos
Updated over a week ago

What data can you find on the dashboard?

Real-time Metrics

You can find real-time statistics and updates on how your referral campaign is performing. The dashboard shows real-time referral activity, including new participants, invites, and successful referrals.

Downloadable CSVs Reports

You can download CSVs with data on participant behaviour, conversion rates, shares, and engagement. Furthermore, you have the ability to compare different campaign results over time.

In a few words, Viral Loops' dashboard is designed to give you a comprehensive view of your referral marketing efforts, track key metrics, and help optimize for growth and engagement.

Learn more about Real-time Metrics

Campaign's Performance

As you can see below, you can see the Total numbers of Participants, Referred Leads, Shares and Successful referrals.

As long as Performance Over Time and Channel Performance.

Participants are the users that have provided their email addresses to the corresponding Viral Loops pop-up, even if they found it by themselves or a friend of theirs invited them. You can read how participants are calculated for your account quota here.

​Pending Referrals, aka Referred Leads, are the people who have been referred to the campaign/service by an existing user and have signed up but not yet taken meaningful/converting action (such as signing up, purchasing, or engaging significantly)

Shares is the number of times a participant has used one of the sharing options of the Viral Loops widget (either popup or Sharing Widget). For example, 100 shares on Facebook means that someone clicked the Facebook sharing option 100 times. This does not mean that they actually shared on Facebook 100 posts, but that they just opened the sharing dialogue 100 times.

Successful Referrals are the successful referrals that the participants have brought. In other words, the number of people that were referred to join the campaign, people that were invited by participants, and joined the campaign by providing their personal details.

From the top-right corner, you can change the date filter too.


In this section, you can check your participants (or even search for them), their names, emails, referral codes, etc.

You can also check theirFraud status.

From the top-right corner, you can choose how you want to import Leads or even export a CSV report, but this is something we will discuss later on 😊

Learn more about Downloadable CSVs Reports

First of all, we recommend importing the CSV into Google Sheets and making any changes there.

Export/Download the CSV

Now, if you want MORE metrics and statistics for your campaign, all you have to do is to download a CSV from the Dashboard.

First, click on the "Export" button:

A pop-up will appear -> fill in your email and click on the "Export" button again:

Depending on the number of your participants, it may take up to some minutes in order for the CSV to arrive in your INBOX.

Don't forget to check your JUNK/SPAM folders too!

Understanding the CSV

When you export a CSV from Viral Loops, you typically get detailed participant and campaign data that helps in analyzing referral performance. Here are the common types of data and analytics you can expect to find:

  • Rank of the Participant: The rank of the user in the campaign.

  • Participant first name: The name of the user participating in the campaign.

  • Participant last name: The last name of the user participating in the campaign.

  • Email: Email address of the participant.

  • Referral Source: Information on how the participant joined (e.g., referred by someone else, direct sign-up).

  • Join Date: The date and time the participant signed up for the campaign.

  • Share Url link: The unique link of every participant

  • Referral Code/Link: The specific referral link or code assigned to each participant.

  • Referral Count Total: The number of people a participant has referred.

  • Conversion Count Total: The number of referred people who completed the intended action (e.g., sign-up, purchase).

  • Referrer Email: the email of the referrer of the participants

  • Referrer Referral Code: the referral code of the participant's referrer

  • CheckReferrals: Unique URL that the participant can use to access their referral dashboard

  • FraudLevel: Expresses probability of fraud. Possible values: none, low, medium, high

  • Flagged: This is a column used when you wish to flag a participant through our API endpoint here so you can segment them

  • Converted: "1" if participant has been converted (conversion-supporting campaigns)

  • Consents: List of accepted consents (for GDPR-compliant campaigns)

  • Custom Fields: If you have custom fields in your referral campaign, they will also be included. For example, if you asked participants for additional details such as “Favorite Movie” and they said "Avengers,” it would appear in a column in the CSV.

Filtering the CSV

As we already informed you, we recommend importing the CSV into Google Sheets and making any changes there.

You can add a filter like this from the DATA option:

And you can choose how exactly you want to filter the column:

You can also delete unnecessary columns and keep only the ones you want 👌

Some common Insights examples from the CSV

  • Referral Effectiveness: How many referrals each participant is making and how many are converting.

  • Conversion Rates: The effectiveness of the campaign at turning participants’ referrals into successful conversions.

  • Top Referrers: Identify participants who are most active in referring others.

  • Reward Distribution: Track how rewards are being earned and distributed.

  • Social Sharing Trends: Insights into which platforms are driving the most shares and clicks.

This data helps businesses optimize their referral campaigns by identifying what's working, rewarding top participants, and adjusting strategies based on performance insights.

..and that's all 😎

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